Transportation Fridays

About the author:

Betsy Harvey is in her second year in the Master of City and Regional Planning at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her concentration is in transportation, with an interest in bicycle and pedestrian transportation. She was initially inspired by bike and pedestrian facilities in The Netherlands, in which she studied abroad in 2007. As her views have evolved since then, she has come to see streets as valuable public spaces that must be made accessible to people of all economic and social backgrounds. Providing bike and pedestrian facilities are important part of that access, supporting economic development and helping alleviate negative environmental effects. She hails from New Hampshire, having received her Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of New Hamsphire in 2009.

Recent posts:
Walking Out of the Box
Appreciating an Underdog
An Impromptu Public Space
Infrastructure and the American Dream
Many Roads to Travel
Freedom Takes to the Streets
What's the Best Downtown Highway? The One That Isn't There
On Being Social
Complete Streets Revisioned
Three Ideas to Change Transportation Planning
Politics, Money and Planning
Touring the Other Side of Town
The Psychology of Safety
No Curbs and No Signs but Safer Streets
Street... A Life